Do you work in an educational setting – as a primary or highschool teacher or in university? Teamshufflr can be a helpful tool for you! We have developed teamshufflr together with teachers for all grades – from first grade all the way to Master’s degree.

Teamshufflr is free and stays free!
For you as a teacher, working hard to get the future generations ready for this world, we keep teamshufflr free! So if there are any functionalities that you need that are not available in the open version, just contact us at
There you can tell us which school or university you’re working at and we’ll create an account for you so you can use the full potential of teamshufflr. If you like, we’d also appreciate any feedback from your side on how we can improve the tool for you and all the other teachers!
How does teamshufflr help me?
Glad you asked! There are various group-based activities that can take place in the classroom, one you probably know is the jigsaw teaching technique. You divide your students up into groups of five to six, each group working on the same problem, which is divided up into five or six topics. Then the students come together in expert groups on the respective part of the problem they have been working on.
Finally, bring the students back into their jigsaw groups. Here, each student gives a short presentation of the material they are an expert on. With all the switching, the free teamshufflr app can be of great help. The students just need to hold on to their teamshufflr cards and can easily always find the groups as needed!
Tell your friends!
If you like teamshufflr and it helps you with your work, tell your friends! The more people know about the free app, the better. We want to help you get the job done easier, and if other people profit, then the whole society profits!
Dave Jäckel
Hello dear teamshufflr-team,
I really like your web application.
As a teacher, I miss one feature:
Upload of names 🙂
It would be great, if I could upload a file with all names.
Just one name per line.
Really great for many for people would: import odt and xslx, csv, selecting if names in rows or columns…
But just one name per line, plain text import would be really great 😀
For simple online/hybrid use: generate a multipage pdf with one card per page, and pagesize = cardsize. Or a zip file with images, one image per card. But preview all cards at once!
In school I would distribute this images via our LMS, and so no need to print/snip any more 🙂
(I can change the size of groups on the fly at the beginning of a lesson, and delete missing students. Because of covid it is even more difficult to now in advance, who is going to be in school, and who is at home).
Congrats to your tool!
Kind regards
Florian Fuchs
Hey Dave,
thanks for your very helpful comment!
We are actually currently working on a .csv-import funtion for names, which should be available shortly.
As to the hybrid/online use features: these are on our feature roadmap and we will definitely take your feedback into account! So be excited for what’s to come! 😀
Kind regards